    Master Mindfulness
    Living Ecstatically Club

    Now may be the biggest challenge and opportunity of our lives!

  • Don’t just wait it out or you will miss the boat. Join our group coaching program for Tantra practitioners committed to living their best, ecstatic life by awakening conscious love and intimacy and get supported during this critical time with fellow loving leaders in your community.


    In some way or another, you are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Get ready for an unprecedented economic crash, the likes of which we have likely never seen. Even if a cure is found today, our economic landscape will never be the same. Those who survive and thrive are those who take the correct decisive actions now. Apart from the economic downturn, this impacts your relationships with yourself and your loved ones and could impact your health. Now more than ever is a great time to build a community of immunity. Take action now if you're asking yourself any of the following questions:

    1. How can I take care of myself and my family financially if I've just been laid off or my primary income source is gone?
    2. How do I deal with the sudden shift in my life both economically, socially, and emotionally? 
    3. How do I ensure that I and my loved ones stay healthy and not get stressed out or overwhelmed? 
    4. How may I stay connected and even build my relationships with my friends and loved ones even through these trying times?
    5. How can I turn this crash into the biggest opportunity for growth and abundance in my life?

    Welcome to EcstaticHearts.com! A community dedicated to spreading love. Here is the most important timely information we believe you need right now, to flourish vs flounder.


    Every month you will receive 4 hours of live support! The Living Ecstatically Club has a weekly meeting every Monday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm CST through Zoom. Being a member of this club would grandfather you to the discounted rate of $49 for as long as you remain a member.


    To recap you will receive:

    1. Monthly live online group coaching calls, an hour every week with ScottieO McClure, the co-founder of Ecstatic Hearts.
    2. Access to an ongoing WhatsApp private group chat with other leaders in the community.
    3. Access and discounts to online videos and courses that will continue to enhance your life with more love, health, and prosperity.
    Cost: This is an unprecedented opportunity at a nominal rate. Melanie and I separately offer private lessons and coaching for $295/hour, but we realize that now, more than ever, money may be a challenge.

    That is why we are offering all the above for only $49 per month.


    If we are not providing extraordinary value for you, you may cancel at any time. It's time to make a stand and be in solidarity with the whole world as we continue to build a world of love! Join the Living Ecstatically Club now by clicking the Subscribe button below.

  • If you need advice for financial success amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, join the Cash Flow Crash Course by Roger Hamilton, who is one of my mentors.

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